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The speech invariant of aggressive and autoaggressive discourses

S.V. Myskin, L.G. Kravtsov
UDC 81`23

Myskin Sergey V.,

Doctor of Philology, Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Directorate of Educational Programs

Moscow City University


Kravtsov Lev G.,

Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor,

Head of the Laboratory “Designing Cultural-Historical

Models of Education”

Institute of Secondary Vocational Education named after K.D. Ushinsky Moscow City University


The article systematizes and describes the key provisions of the author’s analysis of linguistic and non-linguistic causes of the sustainable functioning of destructive communication in modern society. The object of the analysis is aggressive and autoaggressive discourses. The relevance of the analysis follows from the stable attitude of destructive communication social acceptability among young people. To reveal the patterns, the authors use a multidisciplinary approach that includes the conceptual apparatus of linguistics, psycholinguistics, psychology and social psychology. The imperfection of the communication regulation system in the Internet space is a leading factor in the intensification of destructive communication.

The author proposed concept of a pathogenic text generalizing the whole variety of destructive texts. The discursive psychological approach based on the dialectical interpretation of aggressive and autoaggressive discourses. Literary and psychohermeneutic analysis demonstrated the presence of a constant speech structure of personality — a speech invariant. The cultural and historical concept of the psyche development allowed us to identify the conditions and the moment of formation of the speech invariant. The content of the speech invariant includes a hierarchical set of stratagems of dialectical, sophistic and eristic modes. The speech invariant of aggressive and autoaggressive discourses includes sophistic-eristic stratagems that stimulate the expressive-monological, influencing and counteracting power of speech on the opponent as an object.

Keywords: aggressive and autoaggressive discourses, destructive communication eristic stratagem, speech impact, speech invariant, pathogenic text


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