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Three Robinsons: The experience of literary comparative studies

Z.A. Kuchukova, L.B. Berberova
UDC 82.091

Kuchukova Zukhra A.,

Doctor of Philology,

Professor of the Russian and Foreign Literature Department

Kabardino-Balkar State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov



Berberova Liana B.,

Candidate of Pedagogy,

Associate Professor of the English Language and

Professional Communication Department

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


The authors of the article explore the culture-forming potential of the literary archetype “Robinson” on the material of three typologically similar works written at different times by three ethnophoric writers — the Arab Ibn Tufail (“The Romance of Hay Yokzan”, 12th century), the Englishman Daniel Defoe (“Robinson Crusoe”, 18th century) and the Balkar Ali Chechenov (“The Amazing Life of Akhiya Zhangulanov”, 21th century). With methodological support on the concept of G.D. Gachev “Cosmo-Psycho-Logos”, the universal and ethnically marked features of the three protagonists are interpreted. It has been revealed that among the universal features such patterns as an appeal to God, a high level of self-organization, the need for a language partner, a creative attitude towards nature, spiritual maximalism with material minimalism are dominant. Distinctive features are dictated by factors of geographical coordinates, historical conditions and national mentality. It is concluded that the three «islanders», taken in diachronic sequence, illustrate three stages in the civilizational history of mankind - the primary knowledge of ontological laws (Arab Hai), access to other worlds (Englishman Crusoe), the conflict between Gonia and Urgia (Balkar Ahiya).

Keywords: literature, comparative studies, archetype, intertext, Robinson, Arabic novel, English Enlightenment, Balkar poem


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