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Intertextual elements of “The Tragicall History of Doctor Faustus” by Christopher Marlowe

I.V. Sergodeev
UDC 82.091


Sergodeev Ilya V.,

Doctor of Philology,

Professor of the Philosophy and Linguistics Department

Snezhinsky Institute of Physics and Technology (branch)

National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”;

Associate Professor of the Theory and Practice of Translation Department

Chelyabinsk State University



The article considers intertextual elements of “The Tragicall History of Doctor Faustus” by Christopher Marlowe. These elements are paradigmatic ones. They are decided as intextual and architextual elements. Careful intertextual analysis shoes that Marlowe’s “Faustus” is unattainable apart from political and religious contexts of the late 16th century. The matter is the main storyline of the famous doctor, which itself is literally spliced of intertextual elements, tells us about some historical events of that time, for instance, the fall of Antwerp, besides it discusses some problems of Christian dogmatics in contrast to occultism. Christopher Marlowe refers to many poetical and philosophical works of different years — from the poems by Homer to Paracelsus. The last one was practically a contemporary of Marlowe. The choice of “The Tragicall History of Doctor Faustus” as a material of the study is proven by the fact that this tragedy hasn’t been definitively investigated by linguistics. Moreover, Faustus and its interpretations have been popular for five hundred years. The tragedy by Christopher Marlowe is concerned to be one of the first variants of the famous legend.

Keywords: intertextuality, context, Christopher Marlowe, tragedy, Faustus


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