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The text and the protext of M. Gorky’s short story “Chelkash”: (de)hierarchy of ideas, (de)the landmark of axiology

O.V. Bogdanova
UDC 821.161.1-32

The purpose of this study is to examine the author’s strategies of a novice writer based on the material of M. Gorky’s early romantic stories and show how the historical situation, the influence of the environment, the social need expressed in the propaganda of a new type of hero influenced the author’s intentions of the future founder of socialist realism. In contrast to the idea traditionally accepted in modern science of a fairly smooth line of evolutionary development of the early Gorky, the work shows what contradictions the young novelist faced when choosing his own literary path. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the fact that the textbook aspects of the interpretation of the “new hero” in the early story “Chelkash” are interpreted in the pro et contra strategy. It’s shown how the early text and the final text of the story, its conception and implementation, the historical situation influenced the formation (deformation) of personal and artistic ideals in different ways the writer. The article offers new interpretations of the images of the tramp thief Chelkash and the peasant Gavrila, who embodied the complex and contradictory ideas of the young prose writer. The analysis revealed the subplots of Gorky’s story, sustained in the axiological codes of folklore (hawk — calf), the Bible (God — Devil, Teacher — Pupil), the Mother of God texts (Mother — Son). It is shown how the evaluation hierarchies of the young writer shifted.

Keywords: Maxim Gorky, early work, the story “Chelkash”, the search for a “new hero”, the deierarchy of traditional ideals, text and pratext, plot and subplot

The study was funded by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RNF, project No. 23-18-01007,; Russian Christian Humanities Academy named after F.M. Dostoevsky. F.M. Dostoevsky



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