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A.S. Pushkin’s “Captain’s Daughter” and W. Scott’s “Woodstock”: Plot blocks, paroemia code (article 1)

E.Yu. Poltavets
UDC 82.091


Poltavets Elena Yu.,

Сandidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Philology Department

Institute of Humanities

Moscow City University


The article gives an overview of conceptual works devoted to the research of A.S. Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter” against the background of the influence of the historical novel by W. Scott and at the same time solving the question of the genre uniqueness of “The Captain’s Daughter”. In this aspect, the article is the first to examine in detail the similarity of the plot and ideological structure of A.S. Pushkin’s “The Captain’s Daughter” and Walter Scott’s novel “Woodstock”. The question is raised about such features of the poetics of both novels as the presence of traditional plot blocks / situations, the connection of insert paroemia (proverbs about birds in “Woodstock” and Pugachev’s parables about birds) with ornithosymbolism, the commonality of formal and substantial methods of plot construction and typification is considered: literary polemics as an expression of political disagreements (W. Scott) and as a provocation of a quarrel on the grounds of jealousy (Pushkin), the commonality of techniques in portrait characterizations (“Instractions to a Painter”). We suggest Pushkin’s interest in “Woodstock” as a continuation of his interest in the themes of “The Poet and the Crowd” and “The Poet and the Tsar”.

Keywords: paroemia, ornithosymbolics, Pushkin’s “Captain’s Daughter”, Scott’s “Woodstock”, A.A. Bestuzhev’s prose, historical novel, historiosophic prose


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