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Zhyrau — the art of the land of Syr: Heritage of Zhienbai zhyrau and his followers

K.Ye. Suintayeva
UDC 821.512.123-1:89

Suintayeva Karlygash Ye.,

Senior Lecturer

Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University (Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan)



The article examines the legacy of the steppe poets (zhyrau) of the Syrdarya River coast and their influence on the development of traditional literature of the Kazakh people. It is noted that the Zhyrau lived with their people, shared their sufferings, mourned their sorrows with their mournful works. They were able to inspire their listeners with fun and joy, telling humorous and wise terms in bright and cheerful times. Sometimes excellent terms were presented in a serious tone as a model of behavior. By virtue of fate, they opposed their khan and the enemy who fought against them with the help of their sharp words and ambitious works, showed the youth examples of national courage, national unity and other moral qualities. An attempt has been made to consider the work of poets Zhienbai, Rustembek and Kosheney, as they are prominent representatives of the art of Zhyr. However, as a result of the conducted research, it is revealed that no one collected or systematized their works, as a result of which the need for further study is actualized. Zhyrau’s works have significantly enriched the literary and cultural life of Kazakhstan. The work provides the etymology, the history of the word ‘sulei’, the differences between ‘tokpe’ and ‘shertpe’ (varieties of dombra playing), the poets of the Syr Darya are mentioned in Western sources. Attention is paid to the research of Doctor of Philology, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, classic of Kazakh literature Mukhtar Aezov.

Keywords: zhyrau heritage, steppe philosophy, Zhienbai school, Zhyr, Syrdarya



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