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The plot of the Mezen “robinsons”: Invariant and variant

T.V. Shvetsova, S.A. Dulova, V.E. Shakhova

UDC 82.091
DOI 10.20339/PhS.3-24.121


Shvetsova Tatiana V., 
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Literature and Russian Language Department
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov


Dulova Svetlana A., 
PhD student of the Literature and Russian Language Department
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov


Shakhova Veronika E., 
Employee of the Planning and Support of Scientific Research Department
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov


The subject of our research is the category of the plot. The essence of the plot is defined by highlighting events that have a special meaning. Our attention is drawn to the event described in the book by P.-L. Le Roy under the title “Adventure of four Russian sailors to the island of East Spitsbergen brought by storm, where they lived six years and three months” (in Russian, 1772). In the course of the research we turned to the plot invariant and compared it with the version, the analogue, the most similar in content (manuscript from the archive of Arkhangelsk). Comparing the Russian manuscripts of The State Archive of the Arkhangelsk region and Le Roy, we were convinced that the manuscript is not the prototype of the plot, the time of its creation refers to a later period. Research methods: structural and semantic analysis, cultural and historical, comparative analysis. The results of the study: The method of analysis of the plot by B. Kerbelite was experimentally tested, the characteristics of the plot in the first studied texts were determined. A plot model about Mezen ‘robinsons’ has been constructed. On the presence of a stable set of plot elements (image of the collision of heroes with the natural elements of the Arctic, equipment for fishing, shipwreck, landing of four sailors, ship’s death, survival on the island for six years, return home). It can be concluded that both writings are related to the same event — the survival of Edge Island.

Кeywords: plot, Mezen “Robinsons”, P.-L. Le Roy, manuscript, archive



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