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Dostoevsky’s handwriting: Theoretical and practical aspects of research (based on the material of the writer’s digital archive)

N.A. Tarasova

UDC 808.1:004

DOI  10.20339/PhS.1-24.147 


Tarasova Natalia A.,

Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher,

Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskiy House) of the

Russian Academy of Sciences



The article analyzes the problems of studying Dostoevsky’s handwriting in theoretical and practical aspects on the material of the writer’s workbooks. The content of terms “handwriting”, “cursive writing”, “calligraphy” and the range of issues related to the study of various types of writing are determined. On this basis, the values and characteristics relevant to the study of handwriting in Dostoevsky’s notebooks are revealed. The paper shows how the data obtained are used in the analysis of handwritten texts on the material of the electronic catalog of graphics “Fyodor Dostoevsky Archive” ( It follows from the analysis that the database on the handwriting and non-verbal graphics of the writer makes it possible to significantly replenish information about the features of graphic typefaces in Dostoevsky’s handwritten texts, as well as to correct erroneous readings of autographs in a reasoned manner. This contributes to a more accurate understanding of the meaning of the author’s notes.

Keywords: Dostoevsky, textual criticism, workbooks, handwriting, cursive, digital archive.



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