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“The Legendary Foundation of Buenos Aires” by H.L. Borges in the space of languages and cultures

O.S. Chesnokova, I.B. Kotenyatkina

UDC 81`25:81`27

DOI 10.20339/PhS.6s-23.058


Chesnokova Olga S.,

Doctor of Philology,

Professor of the Foreign Languages Department

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba


Kotenyatkina Irina B.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages Department

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba



This article discusses the evidence of a complex analysis of the linguapoetics of outstanding Argentine writer J.L. Borges’ poem “The Legendary Foundation of Buenos Aires” with a special impact on the intertextual approach to the text, showing the possibility of its multiple interpretations, including in translated versions. The relevance of the topic is due to the lack of interpretation and comparison of translations of the poem “The Legendary Foundation of Buenos Aires”, which is important both for philological hermeneutics, comparative-typological linguistics, and for the practice of teaching philological disciplines.The main goal of the article is the interpretation of translation solutions, its lexical-semantic, grammatical, aesthetic features in translations into Russian (Boris Dubin) and English (Alistair Reid) based on an analysis of the linguapoetics of the original. It is pivotal that the idiolect of Borges, reflected in this poem and combining psychological time, a flexible chronotype, numerous allusions and precedent phenomena of the Argentine and Rioplatense cultural space, the personal experience of the author, the specifics of the Argentine national variant of the Spanish language, undergoes inevitable transformations during translations, reflecting, however, the unique aesthetic message of the Argentine Master, high professionalism of the translators and at the same time the typological features of the Russian and English languages.

Keywords: Borges, poetry, idiolect, translation, allusion, intertextuality.



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