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Instrumental-operational strategy for the implementation of a cognitive-pragmatic program: cognitive-mental tools (Article 2)

D.I. Ivanov, D.L. Lakerbai

UDC 80(479.25)

DOI 10.20339/PhS.5-23.003  


Ivanov Dmitry I.,

Candidate of Philology, Docent,

Professor of the Institute of Russian Studies

Xi’an International Studies University (China)


Lakerbai Dmitry L.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Russian Philology Department

Ivanovo State University



The present offers an understanding of one of the significant original author’s concept aspects of cognitive-pragmatic programs in the context of the theory of intentionality. The instrumental-operational strategy — a cognitive project (action plan) of the source subject, aimed at the successful implementation of one or several strategic goals of the cognitive-pragmatic programs is being studied. The direct object of study consideration is a complex of the instrumental-operational strategy cognitive-mental tools. The cognitive-mental indexing of the instrument-signal has two main levels: basic and specification. Each updated tool, in addition to the basic indexing (“how”), receives a triple specification indexing (target “how”, self-identifying “how”, and resultant “how”). The same cognitive-mental tool, when used in discourse signals of different intentionality, can be indexed differently. On this basis, according to the type of dominant index, four main types of cognitive-mental tools can be distinguished. The first type: the central level of indexing is “target”; peripheral level — “self-identification”, “result”, “assessment”. The second type: the central level of indexing is “self-identification”; peripheral level — “goal”, “result”, “assessment”. The third type: the central level of indexing is “result”; peripheral level — “self-identification”, “goal”, “assessment”. The fourth type: the central level of indexing is “assessment”; peripheral level — “self-identification”, “result”, “goal”. Each of the cognitive-mental tools can occupy two main positions in the space of an intentional discourse signal: discourse / program-forming; corrective and clarifying. The universality and adaptability of the cognitive-pragmatic program theory, applicable as a subjective cognitive-pragmatic matrix to any meaningful and directed activity, makes it possible to detect cognitive-mental tools in other areas. And the more “synthetic” the area under study is, the more clear the “tools” are.

Keywords: intentionality, cognitive-pragmatic program, cognitive-mental tool, cognitive-mental indexing, instrumental-operational strategy.




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