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Realization of softness of Russian consonants in the oral speech of Russian-speaking bilinguals in Germany

A.Yu. Vikhrova, T.V. Lypkan, N.L. Fedotova

UDC 81`24


Vikhrova Anastasia Yu.,

Candidate of Philology, Leading Researcher,

Head of the Experimental Phonetics Laboratory

Lomonosov Moscow State University


Lypkan Tatiana V.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Russian as a Foreign Language and

Methods of Its Teaching Department

Saint Petersburg State University


Fedotova Nina L.,

Doctor of Pedagogy,

Professor of the Russian as a Foreign Language and

Methods of Its Teaching Department

Saint Petersburg State University



The purpose of this study was to investigate the presence or absence of an i-shaped transition (i-glide) between a consonant and a vowel in 300 syllables. The object of study is the interference speech of Russian-speaking bilinguals in Germany. The subject of the research is Russian soft consonants. Methods for studying material — instrumental analysis of the material using the Praat computer program (version 6.0.26). As a result of the study, 300 syllables with soft consonants in various positions in the word were analyzed. Material of study is phonetically representative text. As a result of the study, the absence of the i-shaped transition (i-glide) in the speech of children was found 83 times (27%) in the speech of parents 32 times (10%). In children, the problem arose in the area of sonants, affricates in different positions. Parents made mistakes when implementing sonants at the beginning, middle and end of a word, as well as labial and anterolingual consonants in the middle of a word and some affricates. The above-described group of people (parents) represents native Russian speakers, for whom Russian is a native language from their birth. Obviously, the constant presence in the German-speaking environment influences oral speech, however, as we can clearly see, the pronunciation norm did not suffer much from the influence of a “foreign” language.

Keywords and phrases: vowel and consonant, formants FI and FII, i-shaped transition (i-glide), Russian-speaking bilinguals.



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