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Appellative vocabulary in Dagestan toponymic names (based on the material of the Avar and Dargin languages)

Kh.A. Yusupov, Z.M. Otsomieva-Tagirova

UDC 811.351`27     


Yusupov Khizri A.,

Candidate of Philology,

Head of the Lexicology and Lexicography Department

Tsadasa Institute of the Language, Literature and Art

Dagestan Federal Research Center of the

Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID: 0000-0003-3195-722X


Otsomieva-Tagirova Zabihat M.,

Candidate of Philology, Leading Researcher

Tsadasa Institute of the Language, Literature and Art

Dagestan Federal Research Center of the

Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID: 0000-0001-6517-8465



The article examines the appellative vocabulary of the Avar and Dargin languages related to agriculture. Attention is paid to the analysis of folk geographical terms, especially agroonymic terms that form the toponymy of two ethnoregions of Dagestan. The analysis of the presented materials of the Avar and Dargin languages shows that the vocabulary associated with agriculture is well preserved in microtoponymy. The novelty of the study is seen in the fact that a large number of words related to ancient farming systems indicates the long preservation of archaic methods of land cultivation in the territory of the Avars and Dargins, which in turn led to the preservation of many farming terms and their consolidation in microtoponymy. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the field material collected by the authors in the mountainous areas of Accident and Darga is introduced into scientific circulation, and a classification of nine semantic subgroups of agroonymic terms is proposed. It is also important to analyze the material in the aspect of comparing farming terms in different dialects. The article describes the experience of the authors' long-term work in the study of Avar and Dargin microtoponyms.

Keywords: Avar language, Dargin language, vocabulary, agroonym, geographical terms, microtoponyms, anthroponyms.



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