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Language convergence: problems and solutions

S.Yu. Petrov, V.N. Bazylev

UDC 81`27


Petrov Sergey Yu.,

PhD (Philology),

Senior Interpreter for the Bangladesh branch of ASE Joint Stock Company


Bazylev Vladimir N.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the International Scientific Journal

“Philological Sciences. Scientific Reports of the Higher School”



The article results in the study of interlanguage contacts from the point of view of convergence and divergence processes. The basis of the research is the idea that the search for an etymon is preceded by the spatial-temporal stratification of language. After eliminating the possibility of infiltration of a foreign word, the transition is made to the search for an ethymon or internal form based on the language specified in the study, in this case, the Russian language.

Keywords: convergence, divergence, Slavic language contacts, ingredients, etymology.



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