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M.A. Voloshin’s works in periodicals of southern Russia between 1917 and 1922

E.I. Orlova

UDC 82.161.1-92                     


Orlova Ekaterina I.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Head of the History of Russian Literature and Journalism Department

Lomonosov Moscow State University;

Leading Scientific Researcher

Gorky Institute of World Literature of the

Russian Academy of Sciences



Very few works written by Maximilian Voloshin during the Russian Civil War were published in Southern Russia’s periodicals or other printed media. Nonetheless, papers like Tavrichesky Golos (Simferopol) and Delo (Odesa), the Kamena magazine (Kharkiv), as well as a literary and political volume called Nakanune (Yekaterinodar, modern-day Krasnodar) published some of Voloshin’s poems and articles. These publications are, without a doubt, highly significant for the history of literature and journalism as Moscow and Saint Petersburg media published Voloshin’s works less often; nowadays, his publications in periodicals of Southern Russia are considered to be important textual sources. Voloshin’s attitude towards the events of the Russian Civil War in his lectures matches the understanding of those events in his poems of that period. The article called Poetry and Revolution. Alexander Blok and Ilya Erenburg, as well as Voloshin’s personal letters provide a key to his understanding of poetry and the relations between poetry, politics, and journalism. Therefore, it is fair to say that Voloshin had his own unique system of art comprehension. Analysis of its evolution, as well as studying Voloshin’s publications in the context of Southern Russia’s periodicals are yet the challenge of the future.

Keywords: Maximilian Voloshin, Southern Russia periodicals, poetry, journalism, October Revolution, Russian Civil War.



1. Orlova E.I. M.A. Voloshin o fenomene bol’shevizma // Zhurnalistika v 2018 godu: tvorchestvo, professiia, industriia: materialy mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. Moscow: Fakul’tet zhurnalistiki MGU, 2019. S. 180–181.

2. Voloshin M. Sobranie sochinenii. Moscow: Ellis Lak, 2003–2015.

3. “…Temoi moei iavliaetsia Rossiia”: Maksimilian Voloshin i Evgenii Lann. Pis’ma. Dokumenty. Materialy. Moscow: Dom-muzei Mariny Tsvetaevoi, 2007. 213 s.

4. Bergson A. Vospriiatie izmenchivosti: lektsii v Oksfordskogo universite 26 i 27 maia 1911 g. / per. s fr. V.A. Flerovoi. St. Petersburg: M.I. Semenov, 1913. 44 s.

5. Asmus V.F. Istoriko-filosofskie etiudy. Moscow: Mysl’, 1984. 318 s.

6. Magomedova D.M. Blok i Voloshin (dve interpretatsii mifa o besovstve) // Blokovskii sbornik / Tartuskii gos. un-t. Vyp. 917. Tartu, 1990. S. 39–49.