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Dynamics of semantics and pragmatics of conflictogenic texts in Russian mass media in 2020–2021

G.V. Denisova, O.V. Smirnova, A.S. Antipova

UDC 81`27               


Denisova Galina V.

PhD, Docent,

Chair of Psychology of Language and Foreign Languages Teaching

Faculty of Psychology

Lomonosov Moscow State University


Smirnova Olga V.

PhD, Docent,

Chair of Digital Journalism Department,

Faculty of Journalism

Lomonosov Moscow State University


Antipova Alina S.

Researcher of Psychology of Language and

Foreign Languages Teaching Department,

Faculty of Psychology

Lomonosov Moscow State University



The increase of digitalized texts available to the public on an everyday basis in the Internet have created media-focused space which main characteristic is constant content change. Therefore, each specific social sphere may be traced throughout content provided in media sources internationally and locally. Our study is based on revealing semantic features of conflict terminology that is understood as the number of related-to-conflict words used together in socio-cultural media discourse. The purpose of this study was to reveal contextual short-term meaning changes for conflict terminology in leading federal Russian newspapers “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” and “Kommersant”, as well as the online media sources such as Lenta.Ru and Gazeta.Ru. The corpus of 24 697 texts was formed based on the occurrence of conflict-related topics as the object of this research. The research period was January-December 2020/21.

Keywords: media discourse, Russian media, conflictology, conflict terminology, semantic shift.



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