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Gothic motifs in A. Conan Doyle’s “The Brown Hand” and V. Fedorov’s “The Moonlight Sonata”

M.A. Burtseva, A.A. Burtsev

UDC 821.091            


Burtseva Marina A.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Oriental Languages and Area Studies Department Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University


Burtsev Anatoly A.,

Doctor of Philology,

Professor of the Russian and World Literature Department

Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University



The article presents a comparative study of the stories “The Brown Hand” by Arthur Conan Doyle and “The Moonlight Sonata” by Vladimir Fedorov in terms of the Gothic aesthetics. There are significant typological similarities, in particular, in developing the redemption of guilt plot with consequent events such as the main character’s arrival at his relative’s house, an encounter with supernatural phenomena, a search for assistance and a final redemption from the curse. The stories have similar systems of characters: an elderly family member, his young relative with rational views, a restless ghost, and a minor character, an innocent victim of the ominous events. In the both stories, the Gothic chronotope is concentrated around a remote place, where events happen mostly at night. As significant are the parallels in the key motifs: the motifs of estrangement and fear, creating a peculiarly gloomy atmosphere (appearance of ghosts); the plot-building motif of a fatal secret and supernatural invasion, which convey the motifs of prosecution and guilt; and the double-vector motif of redemption.

Keywords: Gothic story, plot, system of characters, chronotope, motif, A. Conan Doyle, V. Fedorov.



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