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M. Gorky and German expressionism

N.N. Primochkina

UDC 82.09      


Primochkina Natalia N.,

Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher

Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences



Based on archival documents and materials of M. Gorky’s personal library, the article examines the question of the writer’s attitude to German expressionism, the brightest trend in German art of the early twentieth century. The facts of Gorky’s creative and personal contacts with leading German theater directors M. Reinhardt and E. Piscator, with revolutionary expressionist writers I. Becher, E. Toller, etc. Аre considered, the interest of the Russian writer in various types of German expressionist art is revealed: literature, theater, cinema and painting. The analysis of Gorky’s works in the context of the work of the German Expressionists reveals a certain similarity in their ideological and aesthetic views, reveals their common anti-war, protest and humanitarian pathos aimed at protecting the human person suffering in the world deformed by wars and revolutions.

Keywords: M. Gorky, German expressionism, M. Reinhardt, E. Piscator, I. Becher, R. Vinet, O. Kokoshka, A. Schoenberg, A. Loos.



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