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The cognition of sleep in R. Irwin’s novel “The Arabian Nightmare”

S.I. Linnichenko

UDC 821.111-3    


Linnichenko Svetlana I.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages Department

Samara State Technical University



The article analyzes the author’s concept of “dream” in R. Irwin’s novel “The Arabian Nightmare” from the point of view of the cognitive-creative approach. It has been established that the concept is heterogeneous and is structured from eight cognithemes. The most widely represented cognithemes are “types of sleep” and “sleep as a way of cognition”. This is followed by “sleep problems”, “staying in a dream”, “sleep teachers”, “mystical creatures of the dream world”. The cognithemes “falling into sleep” and “awakening” are the least represented. The analysis of the linguistic expression of the author’s concept showed that all the indicated cognithemes, except for “sleep as a way of cognition” are realized mainly with the help of explicit language means, among which nominal and verbal word-combinations prevail. The cognitheme “sleep as a way of cognition” is the key one and is expressed through numerous metaphors: dream like an ocean; dream like death; dream as communication with God; dream as a way of knowing the real world and dream as a source of creativity. It is concluded that the concept of “dream” in R. Irwin’s novel implements new artistic meanings that can only be described in a special language, which, in turn, opens up new perspectives in the study of author’s cognition.

Keywords: cognition of a dream, cognitive-creative approach, author’s concept, cognitheme, dream, postmodern.



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