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Category functions in the process of recategorization

Ch.G. Gogichev

UDC 81`37                 



Gogichev Chermen G.,

Doctor of Philology,

Professor of the Foreign Languages Department No. 2

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics



The paper considers various types of categories in their relation to the recategorization procedure. The semantic structure of such categories consists of identification basis as well as a and bproperties where identification together with the characteristics of the a-type represent R-neutral block, and bproperties belong to the R‑active segment. There are R‑neutral focus categories with a constant structure that perform a mediation function and are created to highlight some individual characteristics of the initial category. According to the conducted research final categories based on the modification of the identification zone and the representation of this semantic area in the form of propositions are identified. The initial categories are formed with a focus on the R‑neutral features that represent the identification basis and manifestations of the object. The final categories are formed with descriptive characteristics.

Keywords: categories, recategorization, cognitive coordinates, mediation function, subclasses.



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