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Perception of absurdistic texts of Achille Campanile in criticism

Yu.V. Gurenkova

UDC 82.09(450)


Gurenkova Julia V.,

Lecturer of the Journalism Faculty

Lomonosov Moscow State University



The article presents an overview of the critical reception of the work of the Italian writer of the twentieth century Achille Campanile. The relevance of this study lies in the fact that it analyzes the work of a little-known Italian writer-comedian in Russia, which has not been sufficiently studied in Russian literary criticism and in foreign science. Officially, the works of Campanile are not classified as absurdism as a direction, however, according to some critics, this author should be considered not just a predecessor, but the founder of the theater of the absurd. Accordingly, the study of the poetics of A. Campanile’s comedies is necessary from the point of view of analyzing the genesis of absurdism in Western Europe. The purpose of the study is to comprehend the role and significance of the author’s heritage in the history of Italian and world literature. The main methodological basis of the study is a combination of biographical, historical-literary, historical-cultural and comparative research methods. The materials presented in the article allow us to conclude that in the work of A. Campanile, some critics identify common features with futurism, surrealism and absurdism. Researchers of Campanile’s work generally highly appreciate the talent of the writer, highlight the main techniques used by the author to create a comic effect, a feature of the style and language of the works.

Keywords: A. Campanile, absurdity, Italian literature of the 20th century.



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