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Dilogy “Vita Nostra” by M. and S. Dyachenko as an example of metamodern prose

E.S. Safron

UDC 82.161.1                             


Elena S. Safron,

Сandidate of Philology, Docent,

Associate Professor of the Germanic Philology and

Scandinavian Studies Department

Petrozavodsk State University,

Associate Professor of the Russian and Foreign Literature Department

Ogarev National Research Mordovian State University



This article proves that the dilogy by M. and S. Dyachenko, consisting of the novels “Vita Nostra” and “Vita Nostra. Work on mistakes”, whose genre nature is determined by urban fantasy (due to the presence of an urban chronotope, the principle of two worlds, a special type of protagonist experiencing an acute mental crisis) should be considered for the presence in it of tendencies of the direction that replaced postmodernism and conditionally called as metamodernism. The author singles out such signs of metamodernism as: the presence of a neo-romantic component (the motive of striving for the unrealizable, the motive of a doppelganger, a romantic hero); the oscillation between modernist enthusiasm and a postmodernist disappointed and cynical view of reality (On the one hand, the teachers of the main character are soulless Schemes — the projections of people, on the other hand, the heroine herself seeks to plunge into all possible extremes: not only to know the true structure of the universe, but also to gain happiness in love with a man); the orientation to humanistic values; “super-hybridity”, which allows to combine completely dissimilar components through a game form. It turns out that the metamodernist revival of interest in psychologism is fully consistent with the idea embedded in all the works of M. and S. Dyachenko — the idea of the necessity to explore human nature in a literary text.

Keywords: metamodernism, neo-romanticism, urban fantasy, psychologism, oscillation, “super hybrid”, “structure of feeling”.



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