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Joachim Ringelnatz’s “Liner Roma” as a modernist recontextualization of Nikolai Gogol’s “Rome”

M. Duleba

UDC 821.161.1=112.2    


Duleba Maxim,

PhD student of the German,

Dutch and Scandinavian Studies Department

Comenius University in Bratislava


The article contributes to the scholarly discourse on “Liner Roma” (1924), the urban novella of a highly popular yet scholarly marginalized German poet and writer Joachim Ringelnatz (1883–1934). While its autobiographical contexts and its compositional inventiveness have already been a subject of inquiry, its intertextual relationship to the past remains unexplored. The article argues that Ringelnatz’s dialogic engagement with Nikolai Gogol’s “Rome” (1842) and its description of a modern Paris and traditional Rome is of a constitutive importance to the Ringelnatz’s own description of a metropolitan Berlin. Ringelnatz follows Gogol by accentuating analogic phenomena within the time-space of urban modernity. Like Gogol’s Paris, Ringelnatz’s Berlin is also a secular, temporarily fast-fleeting space of a fragmentary multiplicity which disintegrates the syncretic religious “wholeness”. Nonetheless, while Gogol describes the secular Paris through negative spatial two-dimensionality, and only the antithetical “eternal” and sacral Rome receives representation in a positive spatial three-dimensionality, Ringelnatz ascribes positive three-dimensionality to the secular Berlin and therewith, in accordance with the modernity-encouraging tendencies of his period, emancipates the space of urban progress.

Keywords: Joachim Ringelnatz, liner Roma, Nikolai Gogol, Rome, urban time-space, modernism, intertextuality, comparative analysis, German reception of Nikolai Gogol.



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