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Creativity of A.B. Marienhoff of the imaginist period and the traditions of commedia dell’ arte

A.N. Nikolaeva

UDC 821.161.1:792


Nikolaeva Alla A.,

Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher

Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences



The article analyzes for the first time the influence of commedia dell’arte on the creative work of the imaginist A.B. Marienhoff. There are several literary and everyday masks of the poet, among which a special place is occupied by the mask of Pierrot, noted by his contemporaries. The author traces the connection between the image of the Harlequin in Marienhoff’s poetry and the emblem and the name of the publishing house “Crucified Harlequin” of the Petrograd branch of the imaginist group, which emphasizes its successive nature in relation to the Moscow imaginists. The article reveals Marienhoff’s appeal to the characters and plots of commedia dell’arte in the theoretical work “Buyan-Ostrov” (1920), the unreleased play “Zhmurki Pierrette” (1916), the tragedy “Conspiracy of Fools” (1921).The article shows The significance of the comedy “Singing and Dancing Belly” with the masked heroes of the Italian folk theater for understanding the hidden meanings of the “Conspiracy of Fools”.

Keywords: imaginism, commedia dell’arte, A.B. Marienhoff.



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