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Phenomenon of demonic aestheticism in modern Russian rock-poetry

E.V. Loktevich

UDC 82.161.1-1    


Loktevich Ekaterina V.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Literary-Artistic Criticize Department

Belarusian State University



The article considers the formal and meaningful structure of modern Russian rock-works in the context of phenomenological aesthetics. The reason for the chosen analytical approach was the phenomenon of demonic aesthetics revealed in the material under study, which is defined in the work, the specifics of its functioning and the structure are characterized, in connection with the elements of which the logic of the article is built. Using the example of original rock-poetry, interpreted by the author as an artistic paradigm close to the literary current, artistic intersections and individual markers are indicated in the lyrics of nine Russian rock-bands: “Mill”, “Refining”, “Yorsh”, “Crow”, “Give Two”, “The Seventh Race”, “Brain Abortion”, “Angel of Heaven”, “Lumen”. In the course of the analysis, the system-subjective, structural-semiotic, phenomenological research methods, the method of literary hermeneutics and the comparative approach were updated. The validity of such theoretical and methodological guidelines comes from the specifics of the material under study — rock-poetry as a synthetic text requires the use of new methods of study, an integrated approach. The chosen methodological path allowed us to identify and characterize such phenomena in modern Russian rock-poetry as game existentialism, game extra-subjectivity, clip-like image system, existential chronotope, etc. The conclusion is made that the poetics of modern original Russian rock-poetry requires further understanding in the context of interdisciplinary approaches based on the forms of embodiment and realization of creative consciousness associated with the processes of digitalization and virtualization of the poetic artistic world. The proposed method of analysis can become an occasion, on the one hand, for other scientific reflections on the uniqueness of Russian rock-poetry as a synthetic art form and part of rock-culture, and, on the other, for determining its philosophical and aesthetic foundations and the originality of the subject-figurative structure in the context of literary trends and trends, the modern literary process.

Keywords: Russian rock-poetry, phenomenon of demonic aestheticism, lyrical hero, subject organization, image, aesthetics, existentialism.



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