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Realization of the pragmatic potential of stylistic means of the Chinese language in the translation of V. Pelevin’s novel “Chapaev and the Void”

S.G. Korovina, Li Jing

UDC 81`25=161.1=581                                 


Korovina Svetlana G.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages Department

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia


Li Jing,

PhD student of the Foreign Languages Department

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia



The aim of the research is to analyze stylistically marked means of the Chinese language from the point of view of the pragmatics of the postmodern literary text. Linguopragmatic analysis in this case is complicated by the fact that a translator is involved in the process of interaction between an author of the text and a reader. The duality of the function of a translator who is a native speaker of the Chinese language, who, on the one hand, is the addressee who perceives the text in a foreign language, and on the other hand, is a person reproducing a foreign language text in his native language, is aggravated by the specificity of the literary text. Any work of fiction and, in particular, the novel by V. Pelevin, has a number of functions, among which the most significant are the aesthetic, influencing, communicative. The translator, as a participant in the communication process, must as accurately as possible identify the intentions of the author of the novel, determine the linguistic means of the Russian and Chinese languages that most explicitly implement the above functions. The research studies some means of artistic expression of the Chinese language, which adequately reflect the pragmatic content of the Chinese-language translation of the novel: the paths and phraseological units of the Chinese language. At the same time, as a result of the analysis of the specifics of the translation of allusions, there is a decrease in the pragmatic function of the literary text in relation to the Chinese recipient.

Keywords: postmodernism, pragmalinguistics, actual communicative meaning, translation equivalence, linguistic stylistics.




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