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Features of the formation of mining terminology at the Nerchinsk plants in the late XVII–XVIII centuries

T.Yu. Ignatovich, T.V. Igumnova

UDC 81`27"16/17"                         


Ignatovich Tatiana Yu.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Russian Language and Methods of its Teaching Department

Transbaikal State University


Igumnova Tatiana V.,

PhD student of the of Russian Language and

Methods of its Teaching Department

Transbaikal State University



The article is written in the context of modern thermal studies, is devoted to the peculiarities of the formation of Nerchinsk mining terminology of the late XVII–XVIII centuries — the time of the formation of the Russian national language, including the language of science and developing industry. The relevance of this work is due to the need to study the professional language of the Nerchinsk factories of the XVII–XVIII centuries, when the first Russian silver was mined here. However, the terminology of the Nerchinsk factories of the late XVII–XVIII centuries remains little studied. The purpose of the study is to reconstruct, based on the materials of the documents of the Nerchinsk silver smelters of the late XVII–XVIII centuries. Professional speech usus of mining employees, to identify the peculiarities of the origin of mining terminology and to determine the periodization of its formation in Transbaikalia. The use of the comparative-historical method with the methods of etymological analysis, the method of contextual analysis of terminological vocabulary made it possible to partially reconstruct and determine three genetic sources of mining terms of this period in Transbaikalia: Russian colloquial uzus, Greek and German terminology — and accordingly distinguish the main stages of the formation of mining terminology of the Nerchinsky district: the first stage — “Russian folk colloquial” of the end of the XVII century using Russian words through their rethinking in the process of nominating production processes and facilities; the second stage — “Greek” at the beginning of the XVIII century with the introduction of Greek terms in connection with the arrival of Greek specialists; the third stage — the “German stage” since the 20s XVIII century, due to the all-Russian process of active introduction of German terminology. Subsequently, mining terminology in Transbaikalia was enriched with new terms, streamlined, systematized and unified according to the all-Russian emerging terminology system.

Keywords: Nerchinsk mining plants, documents of XVII–XVIII centuries, professional language, mining terms.



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