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International scientific conference “Writer versus critic: Social roles, genre preferences, language”

E.K. Alexandrova

UDC 82.09 


Alexandrova Elmira K.,

Candidate of Philology, Scientific Researcher

Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House)

of the Russian Academy of Sciences



A chronicle of the scientific conference IRLI (Pushkiskin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (October 6–7, 2021), dedicated to the relationship between writers and their critics, is presented. The conference reports raised a wide range of issues: the structure of the readership in the era of modernization; social roles of critic and author, genre preferences, language. The participants of the scientific discussion considered the problem of interaction between the writer and criticism, the problem of “criticism of criticism”, as well as its significance and role in the literary process of the early 20 century. The topic of competition between periodicals was discussed; repertoire of artistic means and media techniques of critics-feuilletonists. The role of the press in the formation of the reputations of contemporary writers, verbal and non-verbal ways of representation (interviews, photographs), various polemics, disputes in liberal, party, conservative publications, the creation of biographical myths are analyzed. A number of reports were devoted to the problem of interaction between modernist writers and newspapers. Separately, the question of the fate of the critics-feuilletonists during the period of the revolutionary redistribution and the end of the free press was brought up for discussion. A separate session was devoted to the figure of the critic A.A. Izmailov and his relationship with fellow critics and the authors themselves.

Keywords: criticism, mass periodicals, newspaper, Izmailov, correspondence.



1. Aleksandrova E.K., Aleksandrov A.S. Fel’etonnaia kritika kontsa XIX — nachala XX vv.: problemy izucheniia: obzor nauchnoi konferentsii IRLI (Pushkinskii Dom) RAN // Filologicheskie nauki. Nauchnye doklady vysshei shkoly. 2020. No. 3. S. 127–136. DOI 10.20339/PhS.3-20.127.

2. Aleksandrova E.K. Mezhdunarodnaia nauchnaia konferentsiia «“Prosnut’sia znamenitym…”: Strategii literaturnogo uspekha i literaturnaia reputatsiia v epokhu fin de siècle» // Russkaia literatura. 2021. No. 4. S. 257–261.