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Children’s literature and the reader-child in modern Ukraine

A.R. Tychinina, S.V. Namestyuk

UDC 82-9


Tychinina Alyona R.,

Candidate of Philology, Assistant of the Foreign Literature and

Literary Theory Department

Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University (Ukraine)


Namestiuk Svetlana V.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the

Foreign Languages Department

Bukovinian State Medical University (Ukraine)



The specificity of children’s literature is been analyzed through the method of perception survey. The features of children’s literature were emphasized with their obligatory orientation to the addressee. The type of child-reader perception is different from an adult perception. The term “perception survey” refers to the result of recording readers’ reactions by answering questions about literary orientation, which allows establishing the characteristics of perception, impression or influence of a particular literary work / phenomenon / writer on perceptual consciousness. The perception survey is been tested as an experimental practical fragment of modern perceptive poetics, which allows considering the age dynamics of the perceptual factor. The perception survey allows the recipient children to identify frankly their tastes, preferences, and specifics of perception of literature. Finally, the questionnaire is a dialogical (question / answer), dynamic and intensive process. The survey is been based on a group, onymous (with an indication of the person) questionnaire, mainly based on 5–6 grades (10–12 years) of Chernivtsi secondary school (350 questionnaires, see: Appendices). The survey was conducted during world literature lessons through specific questions and with the use of content analysis. This allowed testing some scientific hypotheses about children’s perception of literature, establishing the state of reading of modern children, identifying the quality of reading texts, and finding “readable” authors. In addition, the survey shows which specific literary characters and works are preferred in juvenile perception.

Keywords: children’s literature, children’s perception, literary methodology, perception questionnaire, transgression.



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