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E. Zamyatin and A. Platonov as critics of the Soviet regime

T.T. Davydova, E.V. Kulikova

UDC 821.161.1-3


Davydova Tatiana T.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian Language and

Literary History Department

Moscow Polytechnic University


Kulikova Еlena V.,

Candidate of Philology, Head of the Linguistics and

Cross-Cultural Communication Department

Kosygin Russian State University

(Technology. Design. Art)



This article analyses the influence of Soviet on the destinies and works of Yevgeny Zamyatin and Andrei Platonov. There were hardly any literary contacts between them, but there is an ideological kinship. Both were critical of the death penalty actually used by the Bolsheviks, of the emergence of the Soviet Party elite in the USSR, of the plight of workers during the Civil War, and of the possibility of utopian social and political projects. Zamyatin and Platonov were persecuted by the Soviet authorities, the leaders of the All-Russian Writers’ Union and the Rappian critics. The writers analyses in detail Zamyatin’s journalistic articles, including Lenin's implicit image, as well as the genesis of some plot motifs, ideas, characters of the anti-utopian novel “We” (1920). The authors delves into Platonov’s literary criticism and examines the comparative typological similarities between Zamyatin’s journalism of the late 1910–20s and Platonov’s “The Innermost Man”, “Chevengur” and “Happy Moscow”.

Keywords: Platonov, Zamyatin, writers and Soviet regime, Russian literature of the Soviet period, journalism, prose, “We”, “Chevengur”.



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