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Text-based interest from a linguistic perspective: Emotive pragmatics of history textbooks

P.N. Trushchelev

UDC 81`42    


Trushchelev Pavel N.,

PhD student of the Russian Language Department

Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University



The article discusses interest-evoking rhetorical strategies, that are used by authors of school textbooks. It treats such strategies as a part of the emotive pragmatics of a text. The data of the investigation are texts from textbooks for 7–9 grades on History (in Russ.) The study applies communicative and functional linguistic methods. There are two aspects of emotive pragmatics of history textbooks, expository and narrative. They correspond to two ways of provoking the reader’s interest, involvement in learning from text and involvement in the narrative world. To provoke the reader’s interest, Russian authors of history textbooks turn only to the narrative aspect and use specification strategies. Such strategies are focused on identifying and describing characters, their actions and internal states, locative and temporal parameters. The specification narrows down the referential domain of a text through linguistic resources of concrete language and egocentric units introducing character’s perspectives. These means allow authors to expand a narrative framework and increase a fascination of a plot as well as present events in characters’ perspectives.

Keywords: expository text, text-based interest, narrative, emotive pragmatics, emotiogen.



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