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Cognitive-pragmatic programs theory intentional aspect: General provisions (Article 1)

D.I. Ivanov, D.L. Lakerbai

UDC 81`33         


Ivanov Dmitry I.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Institute of Russian Language,

Xi’an International Studies University (Xi’an, China)


Lakerbai Dmitry L.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Theory and

History of Literature and Cultural Studies Department

Ivanovo State University



The article offers a conceptual understanding of the intentional aspect of the original author's theory of cognitive-pragmatic programs (CPP). The article investigates the intentional parameters of the transition of the CPP generator (subject-source) to purposeful activity that is embraced as a “text” in the space of his cognitive consciousness. It is noted that in the context of the CPP theory, the concept of intentionality gets its own actualization. Intentionality is a specific orientation of the volitional and psychoemotional aspirations of the subject-source (generator of the CPP) / subject-interpreter. This orientation is realized as an intention that generates an intention and received the form of a signal. The concept of “signal” at the stage of the formation of the CPP acts as an externally manifested informative incentive to a certain (textual) activity. There is a zone of the potential transition of the intention into the signal with its subsequent realization in one or another semiotic form between the intention and the signal (the realized intention). The condition for this transition is a stimulus-impulse. Based on the specifics of the impulse-stimulus, the intention has three forms of realization, and as a result, three types of signal are possible: signal (–) — complete formal absence of a signal or complete discrepancy between the conceptual and semantic content of the signal and intention; signal (+/–) — partial compliance with intention; signal (+) — complete conceptual and semantic correspondence with intention. The specificity of the internal structure of the signal is genetically related to understanding the intentional state essence (model: I = S(p)). The CPP theory assumes S (psychological state) as the mental component of the signal S1(m), and Р is the conceptual-pragmatic («pre-ideological») component of the signal S1(– p). Signal formula in the CPP theory context: S= S1(m) + S1(– p). S1 is a conceptual and pragmatic materialization of the programmed mental-volitional aspirations of the subject-source. The general initial idea of “direction — motive — intention” leads to the conceptualization of the resultant system “intention — signal — discourse”.

Keywords: intentionality, intention, signaling, cognitive-pragmatic program, subject-source, subject-interpreter.



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