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“World responsiveness” and cultural memory in the poetry of Andrey Golov

S.V. Gerasimova

UDC 821.161.1-1


Gerasimova Svetlana V.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

Moscow Polytechnic University



Poetry is an area of reflection of folk character and mentality, in which two polar properties are noted. F. Dostoevsky spoke about one property, calling it “universal responsiveness”. The other one was realized by St. Alexander Nevsky, who remained faithful to native path. The individual can be isomorphic to the whole of the semiotic system of the culture. Universal responsiveness and loyalty to the native tradition are intertwined in the work of Andrei Golov. The article focuses on “universal responsiveness”.

Keywords: F. Dostoevsky, world responsibility, St. Alexander Nevsky, Andrey Golov.



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