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The Poet as A Subject of Language: Ontological Bases of Signs and Trend Meanigs of Society

Ye.V. Bilchenko, S.A. Danilova

UDC 82:1


Bilchenko Yevgenia V.,

Doctor of Culturology, Associate Professor,

Professor of Dragomanov National Pedagogical

University (Kiev, Ukraine),

Leading Researcher of Institute of Culturololgy

of Ukrainian Academy of Arts (Kiev, Ukraine)



Danilova Stefaniуa A.,

Master of Philology, Teacher-Researcher

Saint Petersburg State University



The article reveals the problem of the ontological meaning of the life and functioning of the poet in its relationship with the communicative practices of contemporary global world. As a result of comparing the two ways of thought (globalism — antiglobalism, traditionalism — neoliberalism, modern — postmodern), the authors come to a preliminary conclusion that it is unacceptable for the creative industries of branding and PR to displace ontological adequations of poetic values as a part of classic art. The article clearly differentiates the concept of symbolic identity and the category of existential selfhood of a poet - poet as a PR hero and poet as a subject of language as a house of being. We make a hypothesis about a possibility of rational reconciliation of the priorities of the academic tradition as an inalienable context of the aesthetic value of art-work and postmodern digital technologies of art-promotion (including network platforms in the aspect of exclusively their correlation as the aim and maens: the ontology is primary strategy and the representation is secondary tactics. The methodological tool for the substantiating of this hypothesis is the idea of a structural balance between the vertical centripetal dynamic axis of the paradigm (metaphor) and the horizontal centrifugal static axis of the syntagma (metonymy) in classical semiotics. Within the frames of the signifier and signified as the Selfness and the Other, dynamics and statics, history and structure, imagine ideal meanings pass into a real-symbolic language, focusing in the inner world of the poet, turning personal creativity into the property of cultural memory. Thus, the hypothesis is confirmed through a synthesis of classical semiotics and non-classical psychoanalysis. If we liken the semiotic axes of intersection of vertical and horizontal to the R. Descartes coordinate system, the point of intersection of horizontal and vertical turns out to be a poet who translates personal metaphors into cultural-semantic invariants, replenishing the civilizational memory of culture, confirming his existential value, which is different from his or her purely communicative image. From a philosophical point of view, the article analyzes the concept of a poet's status as his/her existential state in comparison with criticism of symbolic capital (prestige, reputation, brand).

Keywords: ontology, communication, poet, branding, self, identity, digital technologies, syntagma, paradigm.



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