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Symbiosis of “national language models” in I. Babel’s “Konarmia” and methods of its analysis

A.V. Podobrij, N.V. Lukinykh

UDC 81`42  


Podobriy Anna V.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Russian Language, Literature and

Teaching Methods Department

South Ural State Pedagogical University



Lukinykh Natalya V.,

Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,

Methodologist of the Academic Lyceum No. 95, Chelyabinsk



Isaak Babel has always been a “mystery” for researchers. Russian Russian Russian literature and language, he created different images of national worlds: Russian, Polish, Cossack, Jewish. Moreover, these worlds did not exist separately from each other, they were included in the dialogue, thus embodying the “patchwork” of the world of a new social culture, built on the ruins of the Russian Empire. “Konarmiya” showed the possibilities of such a dialogue, and the huge selection of artistic means used to create it makes the author an object of special interest both from literary critics and linguists.

Keywords: “dialogue of cultures”, borderline literature, multicultural literature, national language models.




1. Humboldt V. Language and philosophy of language // Selected works on linguistics. Moscow: Progress, 1984. 452 p.

2. Podobriy A.V. Intercultural dialogue in Russian small prose of the 20s of the XX century. Moscow: Thesaurus, 2009. 264 p.

3. Chudakova M.O. Poetika M. Zoshchenko. Moscow, 1979.

4. Heroic poetry of the civil war in Siberia. Novosibirsk, 1982. 340 p.

5. Eidinova V.V. Оn the style of Isaac Babel (“Konarmiya”) // Literary review. 1995. No. 1.