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Special considerations in translating Pitirim Sorokin’s work “City and country” (Prague, 1923)

N.S. Sergieva, R.W. Smith

UDC 808.1:81`38 


Sergieva Natalia S.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Management and

Marketing Department

Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University



Smith Roger W.,

Independent Scholar based in New York City, USA,

MA, Journalism,

he is host of the site Pitirim Sorokin



The article deals with some distinctive features of an individual writer’s style — that of the eminent Russian-American sociologist Pitirim Sorokin — and a schema for its transmission when translated into English. Our research is based on a Russian-language article from the Prague period of Sorokin’s life. The authorial style of Sorokin is characterized by a combination of “scholarly” and acutely polemical journalism, which requires special techniques for transmitting the content and style of the original when translating.

Keywords: individual style, translation, rhetoric, scholar, journalism, expressiveness.



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