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Name-Dropping in the Space of Language and Culture: New Opportunities and Facets of Interpretation

M.L. Novikova, F.N. Novikov

UDC 81`1


Novikova Marina L.,

Doctor of Philology, Рrofessor of the

Russian Language Department, Institute of Law

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


Novikov Philipp N.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the

Foreign Languages Department, Law Institute

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



Axiological markers are manifested in values, words have a significant influence on a modern person, on their verbal acts and mindsets. Reflection of various concepts and ideas is an objective phenomenon of the modern axiological and audiovisual media space. Name-dropping as an intentional or a random mention of well-known names, nominations of various phenomena of real and imaginary world let people actualize various properties and qualities. Research on name-dropping in the language as a communicative system is important for the analysis of the modern language processes. Name-dropping is also viewed as a lexical unit that exists in the media space, which allows us to study its etymology, mark the beginning of the process of the popularization of this word in various languages as well as to analyze its role in the formation of axiological linguistic space.The observation of this phenomenon allows us to analyze social preferences, pragmatic presets and specifics of national mentality that are defined by the universal and specific characteristics through the lens of the corpus analysis of English, French and Russian language environments. The authors analyze the traditional types of namedropping as well as the new ones and state that name-dropping is an important phenomenon of the modern linguistic and cultural space as well as an expressive feature that forms its axiological realization; its multivector axiological features are determined by cumulative linguistic effects.

Keywords: name-dropping, cultural codes, precedency, pragmatics, discursive strategies, axiology, precedency, intertextuality.



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