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The Norm of the Language Variant: Tendency to Unification or the fixation of the Difference?

I.I. Valuitseva, G.T.Khukhuni

UDC 81`2    


Valuitseva Irina I.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Head of the Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Department

Moscow Region State University


Khukhuni Georgy T.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Head of the Theory of Language and English Studies Department

Moscow Region State University



The article investigates a set of issues related to the functioning of a language outside its original territory from the point of view of codification of its specific features. The authors’ approach includes an analysis of the situation being developed in a certain period of time, taking into account diachronic retrospect and perspective. The article analyzes various interpretations of the problem of permissibility of normalization and codification of idioms that are formed as territorial variants of the language, their relation to the original form of the latter and the processes occurring in this form. A significant discrepancy is noted in relation to the concept of the norm of a language variant in certain cultures in different historical epochs, its dependence on the historical situation in which idioms, characterized as language variants, functioned and evolved, and a hypothesis is also suggested about possible ways of their further development. Special attention is paid to the position of Russian in Post-Soviet area and the possible consequences of the codification of its variants. The formation and development of the variants of Russian abroad is an objective process, their peculiarities may be used in literary work as productive stylistic devices. At the same time their fixation as the normative facts may provoke definite violation of the language unity.

Keywords: language, variant, idiom, norm, codification, national, territorial, historical, perspective.



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