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Aesthetic aspect of media influence (on the example of journalism and Internet)

A. Kiklewicz

UDC 81`38+81`42        


Kiklewicz Aleksander,

Doctor of Philology, Professor

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland)

(Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie)

Chelyabinsk State University (Russia)



The author treats the aesthetic text function as a kind of its interpretation based on the category of beauty. The aesthetic interpretation of the text is carried out on the scale of values: [+beautiful], [–beautiful], [+beautiful], in some cases the aesthetic information is accompanied by a feeling of satisfaction. The functions of aesthetic information in the text and discourse are considered: rhetorical, fascinative, promoting, etc. The author distinguishes between four factors of media aesthetic impact, namely, the use of content resources, form and structure, media suport and context. The author discusses each of these factors taking into account examples from the Russian journalism and Internet.

Keywords: stylistics, journalistic style, media discourse, pragmatic function, aesthetic text function, figurativeness



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