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Transformation of A.P. Chekhov's play “The seagull” into a director’s score

D.D. Savinova


Savinova Darya D.,

PhD student of the Literature Theory Department

Lomonosov Moscow State University



The article is devoted to the study of the transposition of the text of the drama A.P. Chekhov’s “The Seagull” on his path to the stage embodiment. At the same time, we understand the transposition as a complex process of building a new version of the text, which is created by the director to work during the production of the play. The choice of the topic of the article is due to the fact that at the present stage, the theoretical problems of analyzing the transposition of a literary text into a stage text are not yet sufficiently solved and require serious attention. At the same time, despite the long history of studying issues related to the processing of literary text into a stage text, no comprehensive study of this problem has been carried out at present. The article proposes to analyze the elements of the t transposition of the text of the play by A.P. Chekhov “The Seagull” into the director’s score.

Keywords: text transposition, director’s score, text, drama, Chekhov.



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