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Image of a woman in Turkish picture of the world

U.H. Huseynova


Huseynova Ulviya H.,

Candidate of Philology, Leading Researcher,

Baku State University



The article is devoted to the image of a woman in the Azerbaijani-Turkic picture of the world. It is noted that this concept is complex and ambiguous. The central concept representing an image of the woman in Azerbaijan-Turkic Paremiology is “woman” which in language consciousness of the people associates with a word arvad. In the Azerbaijan language the word qadın which, however, is not comparable to a lexeme arvad neither from the point of view of common use, nor from the point of view of the associations steadily characterizing a place of concept of a language picture of the world is common also. The connotation of linguistic units serving the verbalization of the concept of “woman” is divided into positive and negative. One would assume that the negative connotation is associated with Islamic influence, but the facts indicate the national character of the ideas. Islamic mentality, on the contrary, gives women a place of honor in the world. Most likely, the concept as a whole is affected by the masculinity of the concept. It should also be noted that in the language the manifestation of the concept “woman” is dynamic, it is represented in a wide range and varies both in the semantic and stylistic terms.

Keywords: woman, picture of the world, image, mentality, Azerbaijan language.



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