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About the principles of realization of the image in literature of Karachays and Balkars: semiotics of the color designation

F.T. Uzdenova, M.B. Ketenchiev


Uzdenova Fatima T.,

Candidat of Philology, Senior Staff Scientist of the 

Institute for the Humanities Research — Branch of the Kabardino-Balkar Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences



Ketenchiev Mussa B.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Head of the Karachay-Balkar Philology Department

Berbekov Kabardino-Balkarian State University 



 In this article analyzes the systems of colouring in in artistic literature of Karachais and Balkars. The work uses the comparative-historical, structural-semiotic methods of investigation. It is shown that deepened in the past, and therefore implemented at the level of sub-consciousness, they act as ethnic markers; their semantic modulations only in insignificant degree depend on will of the author. It or appeals to these or those images, concepts and motives, or direct addressing to an archetypic and patterns of origin occurring at different times. Depth of their “bedding” in national consciousness assumes pre-ethnic origin and most likely is connected with the period of formation of basic lexicon of language in the form of primary set of associative blocks. Colour naming define art figurativeness of verbal tradition of the people, nature of feeling and emotion of poetry and the massive directions of symbolical judgment surrounding.

Keywords: an image, Karachaevo-Balkars poetry, a color naming, semiotics, an archetype, ethno-cultural consciousness.



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