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Book review: Soldatkina Ya.V. Literature in sound, color, and motion: historical and literary foundations of media linguistics

D. Pol


Soldatkina Ia.V. Literatura v zvuke, tsvete i dvizhenii: istoriko-literaturnye osnovy mediaslovesnosti: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie. Moscow; Berlin: Direkt-Media, 2019. 264 s


ISBN 978-5-4475-9960-7


Pol Dmitry V.,

Doctor of Philologу, Professor

of the Russian Literature of the XX–XXI Centuries Department

Moscow Pedagogical State University




The article reviews the educational manual “Literature in Sound, Color, and Motion: Historical and Literary Foundations of Media Linguistics” by Ya.V. Soldatkina, devoted to the history of literary text: from the first oral samples to modern electronic publications. The book is unique itself, it is based on the works of M.M. Bakhtin and Yu.M. Lotman, presents an original conceptual verified look at the development of Russian literature from prehistory to the present. One of the authors “axioms” consists in affirming “the principle of multichannel literature, a verbal text — even when, it would seem, any literary multichannel is technically not feasible. Literature develops through a dialogue, in the constant informal (game) communication of verbal art with other types of art.

Currently, there is a gradual purification of various strata lying outside the logic of art development. There is a kind of return to ourselves — to the openness, to multichannel and constant dialogue, to what was once revealed as antiquity, and now, according to the author, we are on the eve of the synthesis, from which right now, before our eyes, SOMETHING will appear, fundamentally new and different from everything that has existed before, but, as before, based on dialogue and multichannel.

Keywords: media words, the development of world literature, models and practices of perception of literary text, Russian literature.