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The interpretation of a literary text as a discursive event in the context of a multidisciplinary theory of cognitive-pragmatic programs

D.I. Ivanov, D.L. Lakerbai


Ivanov Dmitry Ig.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

Professor of the Institute of Russian Language

Xi’an International Studies University (China)


Lakerbai Dmitry L.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Theory, History оf Literature аnd

Cultural Studies Department 

Ivanovo State University



The article gives an analysis of the current state of the theory of interpretation of a literary text and proposes an innovative theoretical and practical model. It is noted that there are both objective bases for the interpretation of the text associated with the analysis of its structures, and many extralinguistic factors that affect all the parameters of interpretation. The proposed innovative interpretation model is based on its visualization as a discursive event and the metadisciplinary concept of cognitive-pragmatic programs (CPPs). There are two significant loci within the discursive reality of the interpretation process. The first is the locus of the interpreter as the position from which the interpretation is made. The second is the locus of the interpretation itself as an indication of the cognitive and communicative space in which the initiator deploys it. These loci correlate with the angle of interpretation (at what angle, in which sense section it is made) and with its focus (what exactly the interpreter selects and enlarges in the text object). On the example of two interpretations of Mayakovsky’s phenomenon, it is shown how the political statements of interpreters are realized under the guise of declared scientifically objective goals and methods of research. In the first example, the interpreter’s CPS can be compared with scissors ruthlessly carving the Poet and Poetry in the name of an alternative version of culture. The interpreter’s locus forms a system of targeted CPS aimed at updating the ideological “one’s own” and discrediting the ideologically “alien”, moreover, in the language of philosophy and semiotics of culture. In the second example, the researcher declares “academicism” (a system of instrumental CPS), which is completely subordinate to the idea of neutralizing Mayakovsky’s dominant CPP. The target CPS are formulated in such a way that the avant-garde features of poetics and pathos of the poet are radically transcoded. In both cases, the true basis for interpretation is the politicization of cultural information as a language of symbolic power.

Keywords: discursiveness, locus of interpretation, cognitive-pragmatic program, politicization, source subject, interpreter subject.



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