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Feuilleton criticism of the late XIX – early XX centuries: problems of studying (Review of the Scientific Сonference of the IRLI (Pushkin House) RAS)

E.K. Alexandrova, A.S. Alexandrov


Alexandrova Elmira K.,

Candidate of Philology, Scientific Researcher

Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of

Russian Academy of Sciences



Alexandrov Alexander S.,

Candidate of Philology, Scientific Researcher

Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of

Russian Academy of Sciences



The material provides a detailed review of the Scientific Conference of the IRLI (Pushkin House) RAS, devoted to literary criticism in mass periodicals of the 1890s –1920s. The conference reports raised a wide range of issues: the development of the free press market, the structure of the readership in the era of modernization; the crisis of the “thick” magazine and the development of alternative publications (including the almanac). The participants in the scientific discussion examined the problem of occurrence and qualitative features of the newspaper feuilleton genre and the genesis of the concept of “feuilleton criticism”; analyzed the phenomenon of critic-feuilletonist, identified individual typological features, the specifics of “feuilleton criticism”, as well as its significance and role in the literary process of the beginning of the XX century. The topic of competition between periodicals is considered; a repertoire of artistic means and media techniques of critics-feuilletonists, in particular, parodies, paraphrases, pseudonyms and techniques of literary masks, literary scandal. The role of the press in shaping the reputations of contemporary writers, verbal and non-verbal methods of representation (interviews, photographs), various controversies, hoaxes, scandals and outrageous actions on the pages of periodicals, debates in liberal, party, conservative publications, the creation of biographical myths are analyzed. A number of reports were devoted to the problem of the interaction of modernist writers and newspapers. Separately, the question of the fate of critics-feuilletonists during the revolutionary redistribution and the end of the free press was brought up for discussion. Feuilleton criticism at the beginning of the 20th century provided a serious and large-scale direction in the literary process. Literary criticism of mass periodicals is the most important paradigm in the system of other paradigms in literary criticism of the late XIX–early XX centuries (such as Marxist criticism, Symbolist criticism, immanent criticism, etc.), a phenomenon that is underestimated and little studied, which has yet to occupy its own special niche in the history of Russian literature.

Keywords: criticism, mass periodicals, feuilleton, newspaper, feuilletonist.



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