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Linguistic-discursive updating of the media image of the concept of “terrorist activity”

G.N. Trofimova


Trofimova Galina N.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor

Professor of the Department of Mass Communications

Faculty of Philology

People’s Friendship University of Russia



The article is devoted to identifying the peculiarities of the discourse-linguistic actualization the concept of “terrorist activity” in the form of its media image, formed in news reports. Analyzing and summarizing the various directions in domestic and foreign studies of discourse practices as the functioning of texts in their living functioning, the author defines as the most promising linguistic and linguistic-cognitive research as the basis of the discourse-linguistic rotate of the 20th century. The author then undertakes a thorough and comprehensive analysis of the phrase “terrorist activity”, dividing it into two stages: specifically, the lexicon-semantic — in connection with its active, but not always correct use in media texts, and then — it’s actually linguistic. First, the author identifies the semantic features of this phrase, which affect the specifics of its discursive implementation, paying attention to the importance of this phrase in the life of modern society and its great role in shaping public opinion. And then he analyzes on specific examples of news reports the circumstances of the formation of discourse-linguistic characteristics of this phrase. As a result, the author concludes that that the semantic and l linguistic-discursive analysis confirms the lack of a clear actualization of the phrase “terrorist activity” in the communicative media space, which influences the formation of the media image of the concept, which has a large importance in today's society.

Keywords: discourse, linguistic-discursive analysis, media, semantics, terrorist activity.



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