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Linguistic codifiers of texts in the online news library (coverage of the Syrian crisis in the media)

Shabaan Duaa


Shabaan Duaa (Syria),

Graduate student, Department of Mass Communications,

Faculty of Philology

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

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The article is devoted to revealing the possibilities of the online news library on linguistically conditioned codification of news informational messages. Considering various aspects of library modernization, the author comes to the conclusion that the principles of organizing library resources are most effective for systematizing journalistic messages, and the online news library itself is the most effective way and special mechanism for shaping the image of Syria in Russia during the period of Russia's participation in the settlement Syrian crisis. Considering the linguistic specifics of the systematization of news messages, he concludes that the formatting of news about the Syrian crisis meets the requirements of library cataloging. Therefore, these principles can be considered as key criteria in the development of linguistic codifiers for journalists to write publications about a crisis situation. The author emphasizes that the systematization of news messages is implemented in the form of catalogs and relies on such philological concepts as a precedent nomination, a keyword, genre, stylistic and linguistic features of a publication. Thus, the author believes, linguistic codifiers become a key system-forming factor in organizing an online news library on the Syrian crisis.

Keywords: library, Internet, news, catalog, linguistic codifier, Syrian crisis.



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