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An introduction to eco-translatology: a Chinese school of translation studies

Cay Dollerup


Cay Dollerup,

Honorary Professor,

East-China Normal University,

Copenhagen, Denmark



The article introduces eco-translatology and discusses its background. It is noted that the school is not well-known outside the Chinese sphere and the reasons are discussed. Being inspired by e.g. Confucianism and traditional Chinese thinking of the harmony between potentially conflicting opposites, eco-translatology has also been inspired by Charles Darwin’s “the survival of the fittest” and the present-day awareness of the importance of our natural environs. The founder of the school is Hu Gengshen and the presentation is largely based on his early writings. The argument is that all translation takes place in one (or several) eco-environments and that, as the only sentient being involved in the process, the Translator selects and adapts source and target texts in the ‘sending eco-translatological environments’ and in the ‘receiving eco-translatological environment. This is exemplified with situations from consecutive interpreting.

Keywords: eco-translatology; China; Chinese thinking and tradition; respect for the environment; Confucianism; professor Hu Gengshen; consecutive interpreting; Chinese-English.



1. Nida E.A. Toward a Science of Translation. Leiden, 1964.

2. Newmark P. A Textbook of Translation. Oxford, 1988.

3. Newmark P. Approaches to Translation. Oxford & New York, 1982.

4. Neubert A. Text and Translation. Leipzig, 1985.


6. Hu Gengshen. Translation as Adaptation and Selection. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology. 2003. No. 11 (4). P. 284–291.

7. Hu Gengshen. Translator-centredness. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology. 2004. No. 12 (2). P. 106–117.

8. Hu Gengshen. Adaptation in Consecutive Interpreting. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology. 2006. No. 14 (1). P. 3–12.

9. Dollerup Cay. Basics of Translation Studies. Iaşi, 2006.