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Alternative and complementarity as factors of literature (“The Fall of Dair” by A. Malyshkin and “The Sun of the Dead” by I. Shmelev)

Xue Chen


Xue Chen,

Candidate of Phiology,

the History of Modern Russian Literature and the Contemporary Literary Process Department

Moscow Lomonosov State University



The purpose of the article is to identify in the “Sun of the Dead” by I. Shmelev and “The Fall of Dair” by A. Malyshkin the motives that reveal the mutually exclusive views of writers on the conquest of the Crimea by the Red Army. Both pieces of work reflected in the opposite attitude of the authors to the questions about “the ruin of humanism”, “the man of the people”, “the Huns to come”, “the Scythians”. However, the texts which were written at the same time are considered as complementary in terms of the artistic learning of the Crimean cataclysm of the early 1920s, as well as in understanding the fullness of the truth about the Civil War. As a result of the text’s analysis, it was concluded that in the “Fall of Dair” and “The Sun of the Dead” allusions to the biblical history are developed and similar existential, ontological and social issues are solved.

Keywords:revolution, Red Army, Civil war, Crimea, biblical, mass man, life, death, being.



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