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G.E. von Spilcker is the translator of the “Satires” of Antioh Cantemir (translation experience in linguistic and cultural context of the era)

V.N. Bazylev


Bazylev Vladimir N.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor

Moscow State Linguistic University



The first complete translation of the “Satires” of A.D. Cantemir into the German language was published in 1752. It was initiated by Gottsched and performed by G.E. von Spilcker. The article traces the history and specifics of the German-language edition of Satire 1. The study includes several aspects: a biography of G.E. von Spilcker as a writer-translator in the context of the epoch; the experience of the G.E. von Spilcker in the context of Satires’ translations into European languages; creative problems of translation G.E. von Spilcker, including the philosophical background, the content and preservation of the artistic and national image; the problem of form. The study concluded that the translation is generally adequate to the original text, being focused on a specific cultural and linguistic audience. It is established that information about Russia, goes back to oral sources, and in some cases contains clichés about Russia, typical for European Russians of the Enlightenment. Research prospect must be 17 unpublished Spilcker’s letters to Gottsched from the library of the University of Leipzig, dedicated to process the translation of the Cantemir’s “Satires”. The publication and the philological commentary on this correspondence may be the next important step in the study of the processes in the cultural exchange of Germany and Russia, which began in the XVIII century.

Keywords: linguoculture, translatological practice, Satire 1, translation of syllabics, artistic and national images, personalities A. Cantemir, G.E. von Spilcker.



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