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The narrative strategies of short fiction of Juan José Millás in the context of concepts of postmodernism theorists Jean-François Lyotard and Gilles Deleuze

L.G. Khoreva


Khoreva Larisa G.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Romance

Philology Department of the Institute of History and Philology

Russian State University for the Humanities



The article deals with questions of narrative strategy of short fiction of Spanish writer Juan José Millás in the context of postmodernism. The article presents the results of the comparative analysis of concepts of theorists of post-modernism and the texts of Millás where any phenomenon including one intangible becomes an event. Following the theory of post-modernism stated in works of Lyotard and Deleuze, Millás replaces the real world with his image and his own subjectivity. Insisting on the value of personal experience, Millás defines it as the main subject of the works. The topicality of the article is caused by lack of works about prose of Juan José Millás in Russian literary criticism. The Spanish theorists and critics of literature prefer to focus mainly on the analysis of plots, practically without investigating the genre nature of his works. The analysis illustrate that the short fiction of the Spanish writer answers all structural signs of anecdote. This matter of fact affords the ground to define the short fiction of Millás as postmodern anecdotes. The novelty of a research consists in the new approach to research of short fiction of the Spanish writer. This new approach consists in connectivity of the theory of invariant genre strategy and analyze of its existence in historically specific conditions, in the period of post-modernism.

Keywords: Juan José Millás, post-modernism, anecdote, J.-F. Lyotard, G. Deleuze.



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